What should a well-planned sales process look like?

We often wonder why the sales techniques we choose do not bring the expected results. The offered product seems to be tailored to the needs of the market, arouses great interest and stands out from the competition, while the number of leads collected does not translate into the number of contracts concluded. What went wrong? Probably the building of the sales process. And it will continue during its implementation.

Don’t start selling without a plan!

A blooper to start with. At the beginning of our sales activities, the number of inquiries is so low that building a whole process seems unnecessary, and consequently, we completely forget about it. This is the wrong approach and will cause problems at all following stages. Don’t start selling without a plan!

Numerous sales processes, especially in the B2B industry, are not successful the first time the customer contacts a product/solution/service. Firstly, it is important to ensure a good customer experience at the marketing stage and consistently build positive associations with the brand. Secondly, before you start selling, define the stages of contact with the customer. Clearly outline when a lead becomes a potential customer for you and your business. Specify what materials they will receive during a given stage of the sales process. At this point, the selection of the form of contact and the quality of the delivered materials are also important. Consider whether the presentations, offers etc. you send are understandable, transparent and whether they convey information which is important from the customer’s point of view.

Consistency and organization

However, well-defined sales stages are only the beginning of the proper sales activities. Their effectiveness is influenced by subsequent consistency and organization. By running several processes at the same time, it’s easy to get confused about what should be sent and when. Therefore, it is best to use the tools dedicated to this type of activity.

At VSoft Insurance Broker, the work organization panel helps with everyday duties. At the beginning of the adventure with the application, the user can define tasks for each of the sales stages. When a lead is entered into the system, tasks are automatically assigned to it. The user receives reminders about each step to be performed in order to successively handle the lead until the end of the sales funnel, as well as set tasks after the transaction. That kind of solutions definitely facilitate work, and at the same time make us consciously lead a potential customer through the process, which increases sales opportunities.

A well-planned process allows us to clearly define the opportunities. It does not matter whether you run a sole proprietorship or manage a brokerage office. A view of sales opportunities allows you to make specific decisions. If your sales process is conducted properly, you will always be able to quickly obtain information about the current situation and forecasts for the future.

If you don’t want to do it manually, use the available online tools. With VSoft Insurance Broker’s filter users and managers can check at what stage of the purchase the individual leads are. This allows you to quickly analyse activities, check the effectiveness of the steps taken and eliminate errors at any time.

Target group

The last element that we want to pay attention to when building the sales process is the target group. Each type of business has its certain characteristics. Don’t forget about this when creating your funnel. Match the stages and tasks to a specific customer segment. Thanks to this, your activities will be more effective, and the speed of the lead’s way through the sales path much faster.

We hope that the above tips will help you properly plan the various stages of the sales funnel. If you want to know how VSoft Insurance Broker helps you sell, try the 30-day free demo of the system or contact us to learn more about the product.

At VSoft, Edyta combines a creative approach with new technologies. She specializes in visual communication and internet marketing. Master of organization and planning, both in the professional and private area. She is passionate about employer branding (E.B. – the initials oblige!) and space design.

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